Historic Towns
The historic city's Oudenaarde, Zottegem and Ronse with there cultural wealth are worth visiting
In Oudenaarde you can find the center of the Tour of Flanders.
If you're interested, a visit to a brewery can also be a pleasurable activity.
- Toerism Oost-Vlaanderen www.tov.be
- Toerism Vlaamse Ardennen www.toerismevlaamseardennen.be
- Toerism Oudenaarde www.oudenaarde.be
- Toerism Zottegem www.zottegem.be
- Toerism Ronse www.ronse.be
Sights and experience
- The Horebeekse bookshop with coffe corner : www.koffiehoek.be
- The Center of Tour of Flanders is a unique visitor and experience center in Oudenaarde www.crvv.be. Toerism East-Flanders launches initiatives info : www.beleefjeeigenronde.be
- Beertown Oudenaarde promotes his brown ales information: Flanders website Lekker Land www.toerismevlaamseardennen.be/nl/bierkaart
- Watchtower Brakel (7 km) The tower is accessible between sunrise and sunset. Twaalfbunderstraat - 9660 Brakel
- Museum of Oudenaarde and Flemish Ardennes : The MOU www.mou-oudenaarde.be
- Museum Heritage in Ename (Oudenaarde) www.pam-ov.be/ename
- Museum : Provincial Archeogic Museum (Pam) Velzeke (10 km) www.pam-velzeke.be
- Museum : Hospital Notre Dame à la Rose (23 km)
- Place Alix de Rosoit
- 7860 Lessines
- Tél : +32 (0)68 33 24 03
- www.notredamealarose.com
- Museum : SHOES OR NO SHOES ? Vandevoordeweg 2, 9770 Kruishoutem 09/277 90 80 www.shoesornoshoes.com
- Autoroute. This marked autoroute revealed the region's main tourist attractions.
- Distance : 100 km ( 2 lussen van 60 km) www.oudenaarde.be
- The municipal swimming pool in Oudenaarde (9km) www.sportoase.be/fr/oudenaarde
- Playground Zwalm (7 km) playground from 2 to 14 year. 055/48 05 52. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Sport & recreation center Kluisbos (20 km) www.kluisbos.be
- Sport & recreation center The Outsider Vlaamse Ardennen (11 km) www.theoutsidervlaamseardennen.be Adventurous sports experiences for children and adults.
- Music Forest in Ronse (12km) www.ontdekronse.be/ontdekken/natuur/artikel/muziekbos
- Nature Education Centre The Kaaihoeve (10 km) natural playground
- Oude Scheldestraat 16, 9630 Zwalm 055 49 67 96 www.dekaaihoeve.be
- Recreation centerThe Ghellinck Wortegem-Petegem (13km) : www.domeindeghellinck.be
- Recreation center : Provincial domain De Gavers (23km) Onkerzelestraat 280 in Onkerzele. www.degavers.be
- Animal park Pairi Daiza (42 km) Pairi Daiza 7940 Brugelette . (Henegouwen) direction Brakel-Geraardsbergen-Lessen.
- Nature domain and nature playground forest Burreken (5km) www.burreken.be
- Nature domain Forest in Ename (5km)
Rental Addresses
- Rent and repair of bikes:
- www.fietsenfieles.be Zwalm
- www.asfra.be Oudenaarde
- Rent of vespa in Maarkedal
- Car rental 2CV, 2PK in Melden
Culinaire adressen in de buurt van de hoeve
- Taverne Rembrandt, Heerweg 29 A, Horebeke. 055/456177. www.restorembrandt.be
- Bistro: "Fredje Friet", Broodjes & Salades, Hauwaart 94, Mater. 0498/915050
- Zwadderkotmolen, Zwadderkotstraat 2, Mater. 055/498495. www.zwadderkotmolen.be
- Bistro Bizarre, Boskant 49, Mater. 055/613591. www.bistrobizarre.be
- In den trap op, Heerweg 45, Horebeke. 0474/452214. https://indentrapop.be/
- Horenbecca, Kerkplein 11, Horebeke. www.horenbecca.com
On our facebook page you can find information on the periodic events of the region.